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Coding for Arduino Control System



// ==================== TRAVEL CANE PROTOTYPE CODE ==================== \\



  Jeff Wiest

  Human Machine Systems



  This Arduino code will detect if the user of a travel cane is:

  --> deviating from a straight path

  --> approaching an obstacle

  These checks are conditional upon the user:

  --> turning on switchOne for path deviation

  --> turning on switchTwo for obstacle detection




// accelerometer sensor setup

int acceleroPin = 5;

int acceleroVal = 0;


// ultrasonic sensor setup

int ultraPin = 4;

int ultraVal = 0;


// vibration motor setup

int vibroPin = 6;

int vibroPWM = 7;

int vibroVal = 0;


// input button setup

int switchOne = 12;    // user will toggle switchOne if they want to detect path deviation

int switchTwo = 11;    // user will toggle switchTwo if they want to detect obstacles


void setup() {

// initialize Serial



// initialize pin modes

 pinMode(acceleroPin, INPUT);

 pinMode(ultraPin, INPUT);

 pinMode(vibroPin, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(switchOne, INPUT_PULLUP);

 pinMode(switchTwo, INPUT_PULLUP);



void loop() {


// check if user wants to sense path deviation

if (digitalRead(switchOne)) {

// read accelerometer

 acceleroVal = acceleroVal + acceleroRead();

 if (acceleroVal > 5000) {          // if deviating right

   vibroRight();                    // turn on vibrating motor


 else if (acceleroVal < -5000) {    // if deviating left

   vibroLeft();                     // turn on vibrating motor


 else {                             // if no deviation detected

   digitalWrite(vibroPin, LOW);     // else keep vibrating motor off




// check if user wants to detect obstacles

if (digitalRead(switchTwo)) {

 ultraVal = ultraRead();       // read ultrasonic sensor

 if (ultraVal > 700) {         // check for obstacle

   vibroObstacle(ultraVal);    // vibrate motor with intensity proportional to nearness


 else {

   digitalWrite(vibroPin, LOW);  // else, keep vibrating motor off




// run debugger (this line can be commented out to improved speed



}  // end void loop


// ==================== ALL THE FUNCTIONS ==================== \\


// accelerometer function

int acceleroRead() {

// read accelerometer values

 acceleroVal = analogRead(acceleroPin);

 return acceleroVal;



// vibrate motor for path deviating right function

void vibroRight() {

// turn on vibrating motor

digitalWrite(vibroPin, HIGH);



// vibrate motor for path deviating left function

void vibroLeft() {

// turn on vibrating motor

digitalWrite(vibroPin, HIGH);



// ultrasonic function

int ultraRead() {

// read ultrasonic sensor

 ultraVal = analogRead(ultraPin);

 return ultraVal;



// vibrate motor for obstacle detection function

void vibroObstacle(int ultraVal) {

// map ultraVal to PWM scale

 ultraVal = map(ultraVal, 0, 1023, 0, 255);

// vibrate motor with intensity from ultraVal

 digitalWrite(vibroPin, HIGH);

 analogWrite(vibroPWM, ultraVal);



// this function will display all pin and output values for debugging purposes

void displayVals() {

// display ALL the values!

 Serial.print("accelVal= ");


 Serial.print("\tultraVal= ");


 Serial.print("\tvibroPWM= ");


 Serial.print("\tswitchOne= ");


 Serial.print("\tswitchTwo= ");



Arduino Official Website

Arduino Open Source Library

Special Thanks, Jeff.

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