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Parts Operation


 IMU: The IMU constantly reads the user’s position. When the user deviates to either direction, the accelerometer in the IMU records that information. The gyroscope in the IMU helps to eliminate the confounding that the user’s natural gait adds to the equation.


 Ultrasonic Sensor: The ultrasonic utilizes echolocation to determine if the user is approaching any obstacles.


 Arduino: The Arduino is the brain behind the operation. It records all the information from the sensors and determines whether straight-path deviation is occurring, or whether the user is approaching an obstacle. If so, it sends signals to the vibrotactors on the belt or on the cane to alert the user.


 Vibrotactors: These are small motors placed on the belt and on the cane and vibrate as a warning to the user that the path needs to be adjusted in some way.


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